What’s on our Plate – This Term

Student Led Conference

Student-led conferences require and empower students to take the lead role in communicating their learning. The practice helps to build dispositions and skills—such as adapting speech to the appropriate context and organising and presenting information—that will be vital for students in college and careers…..” (Ron Berger)

Crew Rashford will be preparing for their SLC’s next term, if last year is anything to go by it’s going to be brilliant. 

This is a chance for students to showcase the work they have done since September. By presenting to parents and carers face to face (fingers crossed). 

SLC’s will start WC 31/01/22 – parents look out for the invitation in your mail boxes soon. 

Becoming book worms! 

This term we are committed and determined to become more engaged with reading. Tranquil Tuesdays is an opportunity for students to sit and read independently, 1:1 and or as a group and enjoy some quiet time during crew. All while improving their reading skills. 

Wise up! – Wise Wednesday

This term we are looking at e-safety and why it matters. 

As a crew we enjoy our in depth discussions and I expect these sessions will allow us to explore further. 

Academic Success! –

This term we are focusing on pledges and ensuring we uphold them. Also, we will be continuing on with our ‘catch me, praise me’ where students praise each other for their efforts, identifying HoWLs and XP character traits. 

Community Work and Being Mindful

With the up and coming SLC’s most of our Friday sessions will involve preparing for this.

Additionally, as you can see from our previous blog our visit to Age Well Doncaster was a brilliant success, we hope to return in February spreading Valentines joy 💜.

Alongside this we like to get out and around the school grounds, armed with our litter pickers to make sure XP/XPE grounds are clean and fresh!