It’s been an absolute pleasure to receive emails about some of the amazing things being done in Crew Shackleton while at home this week.
Special mention for April – what an amazingly gifted and caring young lady. Not only has she been working hard on school work, but she’s been using her sewing machine and old donated materials to make masks and headbands for NHS staff. i was clapping for April at 8pm this evening too.
If there was an exam for kindness, April would get a grade 9. Take a look at some of her handy work…
(Thank your mum for the photos!)

And it’s brilliant to get emails from teachers too showcasing the brilliant work being done in lesson at home. Mr Nixon emailed me today to share some of the amazing work completed by Lilly, celebrating the standards we’ve come to expect from her.
Take a look…

Outstanding craftsmanship and quality. I’m a HUMS teacher so I’m taking Mr Nixon’s word for it that the maths is good! Well done, Lilly.
And not forgetting other conversations I’ve had about James and his work ethic and beautiful work at home; Nikodem completing all the tasks each week on time and to a high standard; and all the students in Crew Shackleton who are showing great independance and resilience to keep going despite these challenging times.
You will all be sorely missed. Keep up the amazing work.