Experience of the workplace C28 launch

My name is Kathryn Burns and I am the Careers Lead for XP Trust. I have the pleasure of launching our C28 to students, crew leaders and parents on Wednesday 12th March 4pm – 5pm. Parents and students to meet on XP East stairs where I will share information about expectations, responsibilities and support.

As you may already be aware, in year 10 our students carry out a short experience into the world of work to support their preparation for GCSEs and moving forward as they progress through Year 11 and beyond.

This year we are planning a week off timetable 7th – 11th July with a wrap around the work experience to give them a taste of applications, interviews and workshops alongside the external experience, followed up by a reflective piece of work and CV building.

As a trust we feel that it is important for our students to experience this alongside qualifications and other activities beyond the classroom, such as the Duke of Edinburgh bronze award. Our aim has always been to support parents in developing young people who are able to communicate, have resilience and the transferable skills that the business community are looking for in today’s society.

I look forward to seeing you there as our young people step up and show local employers how amazing XP Doncaster students are.

Mrs Burns

[email protected]

Support for parents

As many agencies now ask for parents to have engaged with services such as Early Help or parenting courses before being placed on a pathway or seeking professional support, we are sharing this information we have had in the hope of supporting parents.

We hope this is of use.

Sharing our Stories: 28/02/2025

Beautiful Work This Week

Here’s a selection of beautiful work from across the XP Trust from this week. To read about other stories from across the XP Trust, visit xptrust.org.

Top of the Blogs

Crew Outdoors @ Norton Infants

Geography Club @ Green Top

Karate Community Clubs @ Plover

Challenge Crew – putting our memory through its paces @ Carcroft School

A Visit from Rt Hon Ed Miliband @ Norton Juniors

Weekly update for families @ XP Gateshead

Year 11 Historians Explore Industrial Heritage @ XP

Another ace week in PE @ XP East

Share your stories with us!

We now have a new dedicated news email so that you can send your stories, updates or ideas about potential news articles directly to us in Comms.

It might be something you or your students have achieved, a charity you’re supporting or anything at all that deserves a wider audience.

Write to us at [email protected] –  we want to hear about it, write about it and celebrate it!

Another ace week in PE

This week in PE we started our new enrichment timetable, which saw an large number of students attending. Let keep it up.

On Wednesday a group of our BTEC Sport leaders supported active fusion with the indoor primary athletics. The group led events demonstrating many of our character traits.

Thursday was another great day in PE as students represented XP/XP East at the indoor athletics. We had some excellent performances, huge well done to everyone who participated. Looking forward to summer.

Next week in PE

Monday- Year 10 boys football away return at 5.30

Tuesday- Boys football practice and cheerleading practice. 3.30-.4.30

Wednesday- Year 8 netball tournament return at 5.45. Year 7/8 girls football away return at 5.15pm.

Thursday- BTEC sport and health and social care learning labs 3.30-4.30

Tomorrow’s fieldwork E28

Dear Parents and Carers,

On Friday 28th February 2025, E28 (Y10) will be taking part in fieldwork at the National Holocaust Museum. This fieldwork has been planned to support their learning as part of the ‘Nature Vs Nurture’ expedition where students will be answering the Guiding Question: ‘Are We Really Free To Choose?’.

We will depart school at 9.15am and our expected arrival time back at school is around 3.15pm.  We will provide updates on our expected arrival time back at school via the school website as this can be impacted by events out of our control such as traffic.

Students will need a packed lunch for this fieldwork. If your child is in receipt of free school meals, a lunch will be provided.

In addition to a packed lunch, students will need the following equipment:
-Water Bottle

If you have any questions about this fieldwork, please contact me [email protected], or get in touch with your child’s crew leader.

With thanks,

Sarah Hannam
XP Trust History Lead


Toby, one of our Year 10 students had the opportunity to compete in a triathlon this weekend in York. This consisted of running, swimming and shooting. He put in three solid performances across all of the disciplines. Toby not only competed, but qualified for the national championships which is only 4 weeks away! What an effort and everyone at XP East would like to congratulate Toby on his achievement!