Sporting superstar @XPE

Huge well done to one of your students for her amazing achievements in sport over the weekend. Representing Doncaster Belles is a fantastic honour Well done from all at XP East.

This week in PE W/C 8/7/24

Tuesday- Cheerleading and cricket practice 3.15-4.30

Wednesday – Year 7 rounders match away. Pick up at Hall Cross at 5.30. Please tick your name off on the team sheet.

Year 7/8 cricket fixture away, pick up at XP school at 5.15.

Please bring PE kit, water bottle and suncream.

thanks Team PE

XP Doncaster Careers – Year 10 Taster Morning at New College Wednesday 10th July

I am please to remind C27 that we are invited to attend a taster morning at New College, Auckley. Please find below details of transport arranged and the schedule for the day:

8.30am Departure from XP School.

9.00-9.20am Arrival at NCD. Collect Timetables

9.20-10.05am First 45-minute Taster Session

10.05-10.25am Break (20 minutes) with snack and drink provided

10.25-11.10am second 45 minute taster session

11.15am Departure from New College Doncaster

11.30 Go into usual session 3 at XP

Sharing our Stories: 05/07/2024

Beautiful Work This Week

XP Festival of Arts and Culture – Next Friday 12th July!

Book now

We first opened in September of 2014 in Doncaster and began to offer a creative and purposeful curriculum based on learning expeditions that connect subjects together so that learning is deepened and made relevant. Ten years on we have established a successful Trust that has shared this model with two more secondary schools, XP East in Doncaster and XP Gateshead, as well as five primary schools in the Doncaster area including: Carcroft Primary, Green Top Primary, Norton Infants, Norton Juniors and Plover Primary.

Our students create beautiful work that connects to the community and the world through the creation of high quality products that actively serve to make the world a better place.

To kick off our celebrations we are hosting our first community wide ‘Music and Arts Festival’ at XP East on the 12 July. This will become an annual event to bring together creatives from across the XP community, the wider community and the world to show why the Arts are so important to making our world more just, more beautiful and more humane and why they are at the heart of our curriculum.

We look forward to seeing you at the start of our festivities and hope you will join us as we continue to celebrate and share our stories throughout the rest of 2024 and 2025!!!

Andy Sprakes

Chief Academic Officer – XP Trust

We’re got vacancies across XP Trust!

We’re looking for:

Cleaners at Plover School

Cleaners at Green Top School

A Leading Learning Coach (HLTA) at Plover School

A Learning Coach/Crew Leader at XP Gateshead

Top of the Blogs

Kindess is Contagious! @ Norton Infants

Class 8 Proud Passage Presentations @ Green Top

Early Years Explorers Celebration of Learning @ Plover

DT Baking @ Carcroft School

Farewell Crew Pankhurst @ XP School

C29 Artwork in progress! @ XP East

Baking Bonanza @ Norton Juniors

Share your stories with us!

We now have a new dedicated news email so that you can send your stories, updates or ideas about potential news articles directly to us in Comms.

It might be something you or your students have achieved, a charity you’re supporting or anything at all that deserves a wider audience.

Write to us at [email protected] –  we want to hear about it, write about it and celebrate it!

E30 (Year 7) Presentation of Learning

Just a reminder that XP east E30 (Year 7) Presentation of Learning is on Tuesday 9th July 2024. The Presentation of Learning will start at 4:30pm at XP school. We are looking forward to our last PoL of the school year!

C29 artwork in progress

This morning Mrs Fowler and Ms Ayre got the opportunity to drop into year 8 art sessions. It was great to have a look at what their Crew members have been up to. I’m sure you will agree that this looks like an exciting project, we can’t wait to see the end result at out festival.

C27/Y10 fieldwork this week

As you will be aware from a previous email, Y10 pupils will be out on fieldwork to the Bradford Literature Festival this week.

XP pupils will be out on Tuesday 2nd July, and XP East pupils will be out on Wednesday 3rd July.

Pupils need to be in school ready to be registered at 8.30am as usual and if traffic is kind we will be back for 3.15/3.30pm.

Pupils should bring a packed lunch (school will provide one for those entitled to free school meals), any inhalers or medication they usually have with them and something to write with/on.

Please check the letter emailed to you for further details. If you did not receive an email then please contact the school office to update your contact details. 

Miss Cross.

E26/Y11 are checked out!

On Friday we held our final community meeting with E26/Y11 – a chance to celebrate their many magnificent achievements and appreciate them for being an absolutely awesome year group! As promised, I have linked the slides above so that you can read all the super appreciations. And don’t forget to click on the last slide for our own ‘final word’ to you all 😉

E26 have been a dream to work with and we are all super proud that every single one of you are leaving us as kind, compassionate, respectful human beings. We can’t wait to see what the future holds for you guys!

We’ll see you all again on the 22nd August for your GCSE results. Until then, have a great summer.

Best Wishes from the Y11 Team.

Extra curricular W/C 1st July

Tuesday- Cheerleading and cricket practice 3.15-4.30

Wednesday- Rounders practice – 3.15-4.30

Friday- Sports day. Please bring water bottle, packed lunch, suncream and come in PE kit.

Any questions please speak to the PE team.