Y8 E29 / X29 8.2 ‘Fight the Power’ Presentation of Learning

Year 8 will have their Presentation of Learning for their 8.2 expedition ‘Fight the Power’ in the first week back after Easter.

XP East’s will be at 4.00pm on Wednesday 17th April

XP’s will be at 4.00pm on Thursday 18th April

We look forward to seeing you there to share our work from this term’s expedition!

Explorering Science in year 8

8 Explorer took some time out of their Art sessions last week to work on some Physics content. They took to the tennis courts to explore a range of hypotheses based around speed. It turns out that running was scientifically proven to be faster than cartwheeling. Check out Cody trundling along below.

Y11 Weekly Planner: 25.3.24 & Easter Revision Timetable

We are also pleased to share the Easter Revision sessions running during the second week of the holidays. Students are highly encouraged to attend.

Also a heads up that after the Easter break, after-school Learning Labs will run as follows from the 15th April for all students:

  • Monday: Maths
  • Wednesday: English
  • Thursday: Science


Mrs Parker

Wear red and run for fun for the British Heart Foundation

One more week until I can eat chocolate again!

Thank you to everyone who has supported me so far in raising money for the British Heart Foundation – I pledged to go the whole of March without eating chocolate for the British Heart Foundation’s Dechox 2024 campaign. It is a cause close to my heart, and I appreciate every penny and every kind word in support. Some students have also joined me in giving up chocolate – thank you so much!

On Monday 25th (for Y7/Y8) and Tuesday 26th March (for Y9/Y10), students have been invited to bring a pound (or any amount they feel they can donate), wear red, and run for fun (a great way to keep your heart healthy) during crew time in order to show further support for this great cause. Y11s are also more than welcome to participate! Your academic crew comes first as you are very close to exam season, but if you can spare the pennies or the time to run with us, you are more than welcome!

If you would like to donate to this great cause, please follow this link to the JustGiving page, or scan the QR code in the poster below: https://www.justgiving.com/page/natalie-barton-1708372948129?utm_medium=fundraising&utm_content=page%2Fnatalie-barton-1708372948129&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=pfp-share

Thank you!

Miss Barton

Sharing our Stories: 22/03/2024

Beautiful Work This Week

Beautiful Activism at Plover

As part of their Expedition ‘Once Upon a Time’, students in EYFS at Plover have raised money to provide boxes of books to local community organisations, including Doncaster and Bassetlaw Hospital Trust. They posted this update on their social media this week from their Children’s Ward, thanking students for their generous donation.

Genius of Steam and Speed

Across the Trust we have always researched and celebrated Doncaster’s railway story through expeditions. Lots of our students’ work is already out there in the community – including railway stations and parks. Our latest book, Rail City, is also on sale in Waterstones and the Danum Gallery, Library and Museum.

On the 23rd April a remarkable new exhibition – Gresley: Genius of Steam and Speed – will open at DGLaM, featuring artifacts, letters and stories about the man who engineered the Flying Scotsman and the Mallard in Doncaster.

Students from the Trust will be co-creating an audio guide which will be accessible through an app for the exhibition. We will also be helping to create rail related resources for the summer holiday programme of children’s events at DGLaM.

More on the story in the Doncaster Free Press here

Top of the Blogs

Crew Parks Tree Planting @ XP Gateshead

Easter Maths Hunt @ Norton Infants

Class 6 read anywhere, any table, any chair… @ Green Top

Crew Tubman Year 10 Beautiful Work @ XP

Festival of Football @ Plover

The beat goes on @ Carcroft School

Share your stories with us!

We now have a new dedicated news email so that you can send your stories, updates or ideas about potential news articles directly to us in Comms.

It might be something you or your students have achieved, a charity you’re supporting or anything at all that deserves a wider audience.

Write to us at [email protected] –  we want to hear about it, write about it and celebrate it!

Y9/E28 Fieldwork to Thackray Museum Leeds

The following has been emailed to parents / carers of Y9/E28.

On Monday 25th March Y9/E28 will be taking part in fieldwork to Thackray Medical Museum in Leeds.

This fieldwork has been planned to support their learning in ’You Give Me Fever’ and is a brilliant opportunity to bring the students’ learning to life in an exciting and engaging way. The experience will be used to support the expedition by developing a deeper understanding of the Science and History content that they have been studying this term.  

We will depart at 9am and our expected arrival time back at school is approximately 2:45pm. Should there be any issues, we will provide updates on our ETA via the school website as this can be impacted by events out of our control such as traffic.

Students will need a packed lunch for this fieldwork. If your child is in receipt of free school meals, a lunch will be provided.

In addition to a packed lunch, students should bring their usual school supplies including pens and iPads.