Lost Property 27/02/23- Crew Da Vinci

As part of DOFE in year 9 they take it in turns to be stewards of our community by alternating Lost property and Litter Picking. Crew Da Vinci have been down to the office and have sorted through all of the lost property. The photos will be attached down below:

These are all of the jumpers and coats that have been collected over last week.
There are hair brushes, books, water bottles, packed lunch bags and Bags collected here on this photo, including a football boot bag and blue helmet. Even two pairs of trainers!
And finally a couple more coats and gilets that have been found.

If you see anything or recognise anything that belongs to you then please make your way to reception! If these items aren’t

picked up by the 10th of March they will be donated to a charity.

Thanks Crew Da Vinci.