Last week in Crew 7DPE

Monday 22nd Jan- We checked in, by sharing with each other what we had been up to over the weekend and also our initial thoughts and reflections on the learning that occurred last week.

Tuesday 23rd Jan- We dedicated our session to improving our levels of literacy on the Accelerated Reader programme.

Wednesday 24th Jan- We explored the notion of pledges. Our Crew Leader also reminded us in this session that our most recent punctuality and attendance records had slipped a little from their previous 100% perfect results. We need to return to our previous place on the league table!

Thursday 25th Jan – Due to the staff planning day tomorrow, we held an XP East School community meeting. This provided an opportunity to give apologies and pledges, share appreciations and make stands for things that we feel strongly about.

Friday 26th JanStaff planning day.