A busy week in Crew 7DPE!

Monday 15th Jan- We checked in, by sharing with each other what we had been up to over the weekend and also our initial thoughts and reflections on the learning that occurred during Immersion Week.

Tuesday 16th Jan- Our Crew Leader explained the style and format of XP East Grade Cards. We learnt that for learning targets in boxes that are shaded grey there is no concern, whereas work that needs our attention in order to be improved, or fixed, is shaded in yellow. We then spent the last 20 minutes identifying examples of when we had witnessed crew members exhibiting the HOWLs last week. We were delighted that everyone was mentioned!

Wednesday 17th Jan- We dedicated our session to improving our levels of literacy on the Accelerated Reader programme.

Thursday 18th Jan – Our entire Crew session was devoted to reviewing and checking work in our portfolios. Our Crew Leader signed off some work from five portfolios and highlighted the small amount of work still needed.

Friday 19th JanOur whole school Community Meeting provides a weekly opportunity to give apologies and pledges, share appreciations and make stands for things that we feel strongly about. XP East held a further school-specific Community Meeting in the afternoon.