This was an exciting opportunity to reset crew norms and establish relationships. It was a pleasure to see Crew, support each other and celebrate success throughout the day
At XPE we firmly believe ‘If you get crew right you get everything right!’ This statement could not be any more true and we witnessed some awesome character traits being displayed.
Here are some of E27’s reflections from the day.
Why does our crew need you?
I think my crew needed me because I was very calm.
I think my crew needed me because I showed respect and acted as steward, I made sure the beach was clear of any rubbish.
I think my crew needed me because I encouraged and supported them throughout the day
Reflection: List one character trait that each crew member has displayed.
Manveer for working hard and trying to get us out and showing courage.
Keegan for being smart and getting answers.
Isabelle for staying calm and showing courage.
Sofiya gave me her hoodie when I was cold. Showing compassion.
Callum for showing compassion when I was scared.
I think these reflections say it all! What a crew E27 is becoming and with these awesome mindsets and character traits they displayed. We know that our year group is fast becoming a stronger united crew. Students stepped up and steppe back, allowing everyone to be involved and show their strengths and XP character traits.
As part of their personal development students stepped outside of their comfort zones and support each other in many ways. It was an absolute pleasure to see by all crew leaders!
We have more activities planned for when we return next academic year! Please have a look at the blog post for our first week back in August.
Here is our video montage of our day in Cleethorpes.
These kids are awesome!

E27 Cleethorpes 2022
We look forward to the holidays but even more so for our return to Year 9!
Have a fun packed summer and we will see you all real soon!