This week 7 Pioneer began their History learning target which is based around a source analysis of propaganda. We started the week by following a Gallery Walk protocol, so we took a break from the classroom to have a look at numerous First World War propaganda posters and make notices, wonders and questions about them. Once back in the classroom, we discussed our thoughts and then learnt about why and how propaganda was used in the Great War.

We then analysed and annotated two posters looking at the messages behind them.

We explored and explained how the body language, facial expressions and the language used would persuade and convince people to enlist whilst placing the poster into the context of the time. Next for 7 Pioneer is to look at a written WAGOLL of a source analysis in order for them to understand the structure before they write their own. All students work fantastically well at this and were so focused and insightful in their analysis – keep it up!