Dance & Drama Club: AUDITIONS!!

After a successful show last year, XP’s Dance and Drama Club are putting on another show. This year we will be doing a rendition of… Disney’s ZOMBIES!

Are you interested in Dance, Drama and all things Performing Arts? Are you wanting to try something new? Look no further, XP’s Dance and Drama Club is here.

Auditions will take place tomorrow (Monday 5th September) in the XP Drama Space after school from 3:15 – 4:30pm. There will be an audition preparation session at lunch from 12:45 – 1:10pm in the XP Drama Space. This will be a chance for students to look at some of the audition material before the auditions after school. The auditions are open to all year groups!!

A note for all students wanting to join the club – rehearsals will take place on Mondays and Thursdays, both at lunch and after school. 100% commitment is needed for this club, as everyone has a part to play in the show.

If you have any questions, please contact Miss Mitchell via her email [email protected].

Please join us and show us what you’ve got. We look forward to seeing you tomorrow at lunch and after school!
