The start of this term has been quite tough and we have had to grapple. We have really had to work hard and focus on how we can support ourselves and each other academically.
Crew have been working on their pledges for the up and coming academic data snapshot and taking the time to understand what efforts and changes they need to focus on to improve going forward.
Fun – always time for fun!
We make a conscious effort to incorporate fun into sessions and Crew love a game of dodgeball (ok not all of us).
Here we are buddying up with the rest of the E27 cohort enjoying/avoiding dodgeball.
We even had time for a walk to lakeside
We have had a real focus on e-safety in our Wise Wednesday sessions. Developing our understanding of digital footprints and what it looks and sounds like to be kind on social media.
Our learning targets for this were: I can discuss the impact of my actions on Social Media apps on myself and others and I can identify how to be Kind on Social Media.
It is really important that students understand how the world web works and the impact of social media can have positively and negatively.

HoWLs tracker for all!
This term we are dedicated to improving and monitoring our HoWLs. Here we are working together to understand what our HoWLs mean and our understanding of them. Each week students will assess their performance and then log their own HoWLs. We can then view this week by week and have discussions where appropriate, praising and challenging the data we see as a crew.