So it begins, the step into our XP Journey….Passage.

We have started to prepare for Passage Presentations during Crew. For those parents who may not know the purpose of Passage here is a brief overview.
Passage presentations are an opportunity for students to reflect on their learning and their readiness to move on to the next phase of their education.
- To build student investment in high-quality work
- To hone student oral presentation and critical thinking skills
- To assess the skills and knowledge of students
- To increase students’ accountability concerning character development
- To provide families and communities with an understanding of the standards, learning goals and Habits of Working and Learning
- To give students an opportunity to synthesise their learning and reflect on their progress
- To require students to demonstrate preparedness to advance to the next level of formal schooling – GCSE’s.
It is one mammoth task, but it is very much worth the end goal!
We are committed and I am really impressed with the engagement so far. I am really looking forward to seeing what Crew Rashford produce.
Students may be asked to complete some task at home, but don’t peek!
Look out for an invite to attend your child’s Passage around March time.
DofE Update
We have completed the fitness element of our Bronze DofE and now we are well on our way and doing awesome some First Aid training during our sessions.
Additionally, every fortnight we either take part in a school litter pick or lost property maintenance at school.
Students are taking this opportunity to become stewards of our community, making a blog post for students to few all the items and ensure the grounds stay free from litter. It has made a huge difference to the site, super impressive.

Really looking forward to the next part of DofE… what this space for more info!
One last thing!
I’d like to appreciate those students that have improved and maintained their attendance since the start of Y9. You have really stepped up!
We have the opportunity to win an amazing attendance incentive – To Win £50 to spend anyway we wish. Wouldn’t that be Awesome!
Let’s give this term a big push and move back up the league table our current position is No 11.
We can do this – Mighty Crew Rashford!
Mrs Watson 😊