Crew Ali step into the ring

There were several candidates for our Crew name, but Ruben’s nomination of the boxer, activist and philanthropist, Muhammad Ali, was a clear winner when the votes were cast in a secret ballot.

He demonstrated relentless courage to keep going, even against huge odds; he was compassionate, being named one of the first United Nations Messengers of Peace for his humanitarian work and campaigns against apartheid, illustrating his respect for people around the world; he trained and fought with such craftsmanship and quality that he was widely considered to be the greatest boxer in his heavyweight class; his integrity was such that even though he stood to lose his titles, he held true to his beliefs and refused to fight in the Vietnam war, even when he was drafted by the US government.

In response to the question, “What would you like people to think of you when you’re gone?“, Muhammad Ali said: “I’d like for them to say he took a few cups of love. He took one tablespoon of patience, one teaspoon of generosity, one pint of kindness; he took one quart of laughter, one pinch of concern. And then, he mixed willingness with happiness, he added lots of faith and he stirred it up well. Then he spread it over a span of a life time and he served it to each and every deserving person he met.

Just like Muhammad Ali, our Crew have already demonstrated huge amounts of courage by stepping out of their Familiar Zones and into the Learning Zone at XP East.  Our Outward Bound adventures built a strong foundation for us and we will continue to be courageous together as Crew Ali.