Energy, homes and cheese puffs: C24 STEAM

C24 have kicked off their Expedition ‘A Place of Our Own’ by considering energy use in the home (including the energy stored in a single cheese puff snack!).Our students used calorimetry to calculate the energy transferred from a cheese puff when it burns…we wonder how many joules of energy are needed to power appliances in the home? They also ‘grappled‘ with some challenging questions to give them a flavour of what we will be studying next week.

We look forward to welcoming a mystery expert to school on Wednesday 26th September to help us dig deeper into the Learning Target: I can explain how the Earth’s resources are used in a domestic context.

HUMANS: ‘Of Mice and Men’

8Pioneer have had a brilliant session this morning analysing Steinbeck’s use of language and imagery in the opening chapter of our anchor text, ‘Of Mice and Men’ (OMAM).

As ever, the students’ thoughts generated some really interesting and insightful discussions.

Well done to Adam M, Brendan K and Callie S for volunteering to be our first readers, too.