Last week in Crew 7DPE

Monday 12th Feb – We checked in, by sharing with each other what we had been up to over the weekend.

Tuesday 13th Feb – We spent our Crew session working on finalising our animations of particles for the Chefistry Celebration of Learning. Many are of an egg-stremely high standard. Pioneers will hold theirs next Weds and Explorers will present their learning next Thurs. Egg-cups are still needed please! It promises to be an egg-citing event, due to the involvement of our egg-sperts….. 

Wednesday 14th Feb – We dedicated our Crew session to improving our literacy on the Accelerated Reader programme.

Thursday 15th Feb – We discussed our ideas for Crew-led activities. Dodge ball seemed particularly popular!

Friday 16th Feb – Our whole school Community Meeting provides a weekly opportunity to give apologies and pledges, share appreciations and make stands for things that we feel strongly about. XP East usually holds a further school-specific Community Meeting in the afternoon.


Integrity: Student-Led Crew

Today in Crew, Adam and Alyssa led a well-planned session focussing on one of our character traits:  Integrity.

Following a whiparound where we were asked to share examples of when we have shown integrity, we then had to crack a code, showing integrity by not cheating and helping others if they needed it.

Alyssa and Adam made a great team and we really enjoyed their session.  Thank you!

Attitude for Gratitude

We’ve spent the week cultivating happiness and growing our ‘attitude for gratitude’ tree.

Each day we’ve noted one thing we’re grateful for or something that has made us happy onto a post-it note and stuck it on our tree.

This was a surprisingly hard task but we soon realised that the ‘little things’ can make a big difference to our overall sense of well-being.


Our weekly round-up from 7DP

Monday 5th February – We held an XP East Community Meeting.

Tuesday 6th February – We checked in, by sharing with each other what we had been up to over the weekend. Maclaren continues to gain medals for his Taekwondo skills!

Wednesday 7th February – After the daily “house-keeping” duties (attendance register, lunch orders) we spent the whole Crew session reading as according to the expectations under the Accelerated Reader programme.

Thursday 8th February – Crew time was spent updating, identifying, collating and then signing off tasks in our SSS portfolios.

Friday 9th FebruaryOur whole School Trust Community Meeting provides a weekly opportunity to give apologies and pledges, share appreciations and make stands for things that we feel strongly about. XP East usually holds a further school-specific Community Meeting in the afternoon.

Student-Led Crew by Aran and Teagan

Today’s Crew session was led by Teagan and Aran.  Their focus was one of our HoWLs – Working Hard.

They started their activity with a Whiparound, asking students what working hard meant to them.  Here are some of their responses:


Theone: come to school prepared both mentally and physically to work hard

Tyler:     concentrate to to make sure you work hard so you achieve

Ben:      working hards means you give 100%

Adam:   work hard to achieve your MEG

Alyssa:  try your best and never give up

Ruby:    working hard means that all of us should participate – there should be no passengers

Kaiden: make sure you work hard to get your work completed on time

Rhys:    working hard means you always do your best

Denzil:  make sure you always put in your full effort when working hard


Now, look at what Crew had to do!

Adam’s team completed the challenge in 1 minute 54 seconds.  Well done for working hard together!


Thank you, Teagan and Aran x

Crew takeover: Noah and Nicole

Noah and Nicole asked if they could use Skittles during their crew session.  Sugary sweets at 8.30am? How could I refuse?!

They actually used these to play the Skittles Feelings game.  The bowl full of skittles were passed around, and we had to answer questions according to the colour of the sweet.  I’ve posted a picture of the rules below.

This was a great way to show compassion to eachother, especially when we were disclosing what makes us scared or sad or angry.  We sometimes react by laughing at people’s fears, but we must be mindful that what seems a little thing to one person, could be a huge, upsetting thing to another! Me – I’m scared of spiders 😱

Another well-planned session where all the crew participated. We even forgave Tom D for dropping the full bowl of Skittles on the floor!!




Work hard. Get smart. Be kind.










We used Thursday’s crew session to check-in with our HOWLS (Habits of Work and Learning.)  Crew were asked to give examples from over the past few weeks where they have been particularly proud of their performance against the HOWLS, but also reflect on those instances where they felt they could have been better (from low level disruption in class, not doing homework, and forgetting pens and pencils.)  As ever, crew support was amazing: we applauded eachother’s achievements and discussed how we could help each other improve in areas where we may need to improve.

The HOWLS underpin everything we do at XP. East, so it’s really important that we revisit these on a regular basis so they don’t just become “words on a poster.”



Crew take over: Ali and Libby











On Wednesday Ali and Libby invited us all to create our own identity chart.  Some of our self portraits were more flattering than others!  We really loved this session, especially as Ali and Libby linked it to the current work we’re doing in HUMANS around exploring our own identity.

We enjoyed it so much that we’re going to have a second session next week!


Charity cake sale









We were proud to support Megan’s fund raising for St John Ambulance by hosting a cake sale.

Big thanks to everyone who baked and bought cakes.  We raised £28!

Find out more about the great work St John Ambulance do here.