It’s fair to say that this week Crew Young have needed reminding of why the XP Trust sign: “above all, compassion” greets them as they enter the school premises. We decided to re-boot our concept of Crew as a result of recent issues involving relationships within our group. Starting with a focus on our character traits – courage, integrity, craftsmanship and quality, respect and compassion – we considered where students have exhibited these in sessions and around school, and, remaining with the latter we contemplated the guiding question: “what do we want compassion to look, feel and sound like in Crew?”.

Following a silent conversation protocol, we collated our ideas:
- using kind words and empathy
- being sensitive towards others
- being able to feel comfortable in Crew
- feeling that everyone is there for each other
- supporting others when they need it, e.g. Crew can support someone subject to reflection
This is a work in progress, and it’s likely that we’ll need to return to this character trait and develop our ideas further after the Christmas break, but at least for now we’ve started the ball rolling.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.