Introducing Crew Churchill!

We are proud to introduce our new crew name as ‘Crew Churchill‘.

We chose Winston Churchill as our inspiration because of his following achievements:

  • he was an accomplished artist, creating more than 500 paintings
  • he received the Nobel Prize for Literature
  • he served in the British Parliament under six monarchs
  • he served as Prime Minister twice
  • he was the first to receive the abbreviation ‘OMG’ in a letter
  • he had a speech impediment
  • he led Britain to victory during World War II

We believe he embodies our character traits and culture here at XP East because he showed courage to lead his country during a war, respect because he valued the ideas and thoughts and others and craftsmanship and quality through his beautiful artwork.

Image result for winston churchill

‘We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give’

‘Crew Churchill’ was the name we were given during our recent outward bound expedition to Wales and so reminds us of the our amazing experiences there together as crew.