Zak’s success in Spanish!

We all know what a challenge it is for our staff and students to study and teach remotely under the current lockdown situation, all the more so with a subject like Spanish that often demands a high level of linguistic proficiency and strong face-to-face communication skills.

My highlight this week was to receive an e-mail from Zak that just served to remind me of how secure his Habits of Work and Learning have become:

Me: “Thanks (for sharing your Linguascope self-assessment certificate score of 33% with me) Zak, but knowing you like I do, I think you’ll not be happy with your score and may wish to repeat it. What do you think”?

Zak: “I’m going to re-try and I aim to get at least 60%“.

Me: “Go for it”.

Zak: “I managed to achieve my goal of over 60%“. He actually doubled his result to 67% and has the certificate to prove it.

Smashed it out of the park, Zak. With HOWLS like that, anything is possible…….!