The following has been emailed to parents / carers of Y9/E28.
On Monday 25th March Y9/E28 will be taking part in fieldwork to Thackray Medical Museum in Leeds.
This fieldwork has been planned to support their learning in ’You Give Me Fever’ and is a brilliant opportunity to bring the students’ learning to life in an exciting and engaging way. The experience will be used to support the expedition by developing a deeper understanding of the Science and History content that they have been studying this term.
We will depart at 9am and our expected arrival time back at school is approximately 2:45pm. Should there be any issues, we will provide updates on our ETA via the school website as this can be impacted by events out of our control such as traffic.
Students will need a packed lunch for this fieldwork. If your child is in receipt of free school meals, a lunch will be provided.
In addition to a packed lunch, students should bring their usual school supplies including pens and iPads.