Y7 online timetable

Posted on behalf of Mrs Vayro (Assistant Principal – Y7 Phase)

In light of the announcement concerning the closure of the E27 year bubble at XPE the following arrangements have been made to support students whilst working at home:

  • All Crew sessions and lessons will take place LIVE via Google Hangout and the timetable is highlighted below.
  • Students are registered in Crew (8.30am), at the beginning of the morning session (9.15am) and afternoon (1.15pm).
  • Work will be set by the Teacher on Google Classroom as part of the lesson.

All students are expected to join each session. If a student is absent, Crew Leaders will contact home to ascertain the reason why. If a student is unable to join a session, for example, they are unwell, we ask parents to please contact the office.
Crew Leaders and Subject teachers will send Google Hangout invitations to their classes.