⭐️Big shout out to Crew Da Vinci Y9. 2nd on the attendance board in the school and on track to win that £50 for Crew. Closely followed by Y8 Crew Malala coming in 4th.
Awesome achievement, well done to you all. Keep this up!

⭐️Y9 – Massive achievement for Jorja, Emma and Isabelle with an impressive 10 praises each.
⭐️Y8 – Huge shoutout to Sophie H, Will H, William M on receiving 10 praises each and an awesome achievement for Zak with a whopping 11 praises for this term.
This is amazing to see the hard work and determination that you are showing in and around school.
Y8 and Y9 have lots to be proud of and are working immensely hard – let’s continue to dig deep for the last 2 weeks of term everyone.
Mrs Watson
Phase Lead