Working Hard in E25 and E26!

It’s been a busy week in both E25 (Year 8) and E26 (Year 7)!

Here are some of the highlights…

On Wednesday, an expert visited E25 and talked about the plight of refugees and the long, arduous journey they face when seeking asylum.  Our expert, Nick, from the Conversation Club in Doncaster, engaged students in a game where they had to overcome many obstacles to arrive safely in a different country.

E25 also spent quality time reading the anchor text ‘Of Mice and Men’ for their expedition, ‘Should I stay or should I go?’  Students were introduced to the characters of George and Lennie, with Mr. Portman lending his amazing vocal talents when reading dialogue between the two!

Meanwhile, in E26 students listened attentively as Ethan, who is enlisitng in the army in March, spoke with great passion about how he became inspired to join the army and what his new job and training will involve.  E26 asked thoughtful questions such as ‘If you are an army medic, do you still need to fire a gun?’ and ‘What sort of food do you eat in the army?’

Thank you, Ethan, for taking the time to share your experiences with us!

Finally, it has been wonderful to hear about the high levels of engagement and productivity of all students this week.  Here are a few entries from our praise logs…

Year 7s (E26):

‘Harvey has written an excellent WW1 job description which shows high levels of engagement and craftsmanship and quality. A pleasure to read, Harvey!’

‘Excellent purple polishing to up-level his WW1 job description. Shawn thought carefully about which other persuasive devices he could add to help add impact to his work. Brill!’

‘Cerrina was ON IT today in Hums – always offering to contribute and made super quotation annotations.’

‘Faith showed great courage when delivering a speech to the crew about what would make her a good ambassador.’

Year 8s (E25):

‘Alice challenged herself to use new vocabulary in her writing in Spanish today.’

‘Dylan answered questions with great maturity and a keen eye for detail in Music.’

‘Ruben was a fantastic ambassador for 8Explorer at the Conversation Club, maturely asking questions to migrants in Doncaster in a way which was polite and respectful.’

‘A beautiful example of how books should be laid out! It is amazingly neat and it absolutely made my day that Ava takes such pride in her work.’

Well done, everyone!  Keep up the amazing work!