It might just look like rows of numbers to you, but to me it’s proof that the work we’ve been doing in Academic Crew around our habits of work and learning is paying off!
I’ve had a sneak peek at the latest assessment data for Crew Finch, and I’m pleased to say that there has been a massive improvement in the grades awarded to our Crew members for getting smart, working hard and being kind across Humanities, Science and Maths. I’m also pleased to report that the Crew average in all areas has risen since the last data drop in November (assuming my maths is correct!)
I’m going to wait for Mr Portman’s “big reveal” before posting our results, but let’s just say it’s looking good for Crew Finch!
But, do you know what? Wherever Crew Finch appear on the year group league table, I do not doubt the effort they have all been putting in, both in Crew and in classes. The data tells me all I need to know and I’m super proud of them all 🙂