That was the question posed to 7 Pioneer this week (4.5 being the highest level of achievement.)
The class were asked to consider how they could help to minimise distractions and disruptions in class, so that our time spent in lessons learning is more effective. Students worked in small groups, before reporting back to the class.
The groups came up with some really good ideas, including: stick to lesson protocols; don’t call out; put phones/devices away when not in use; have on-topic conversations; be respectful to peers and staff; use ‘kind’ language; and arrive to class on time with all your equipment. Mr. Portman will be collating all the suggestions to create a ‘4.5 Behaviour’ poster which will be displayed in classrooms.
This was a powerful exercise because it’s the students themselves who have defined and agreed what 4.5 behaviour looks like, and are therefore more likely to hold eachother (and themselves) accountable when standards slip.