As Crew Young returned to school following the summer break they were immersed in a range of activities designed to “re-Crew”. Year 9 presents key challenges and opportunities, from achieving the Duke of Edinburgh Award, to undergoing an academic “right of passage” to exercising a degree of “choice” over future career pathways. We started and remained in Crew throughout the day:
After Crew Young completed a series of physical tasks, and the “rob the nest” sports activity they were introduced to the basics of the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme.
For the rest of today they met several career professionals, who demonstrated the “tools of their trade” before exploring career pathways into their chosen professions.
Highlight of the day was seeing Louie B in riot gear before being placed in handcuffs by a police liaison officer!
A local plumbing merchant showed how, with a little technical expertise, their trained engineers can turn plastic pipes into a crazy golf course…..