Turkey / Syria Earthquake – XP and XP East School Donations

As you may all be aware from the news, Turkey and Syria have suffered a severe earthquake.

This has affected thousands of people. One of our pioneering Students from XP School has been affected by this earthquake. His extended family of cousins, uncles, aunts and grandparents have been caught up in the disaster and have not yet been located.

We are welcoming donations from our Staff and Families to support this cause. These items will be taken via lorry to Turkey next week and would be greatly received: Nappies, wet wipes, soap, towels, children’s clothing, shoes, coats, gloves, hats and any other items for the children and families who have lost everything.

Your donations can be left in the Main Office at XP and XP East until they are collected next week.

Many thanks in advance. XP and XP East School

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