I was so struck by 7P’s focus and effort this morning, I simply had to write about it.
Every single student was totally absorbed in their first draft of what makes a successful community. After drawing up a brief plan (and after yesterday’s creation of an opening paragraph) students have continuously worked for over 2 and a half hours on their reflective writing.
It must be said that being productive for such long periods of time are qualities of being a great learner, and students should be commended for this. Mrs Poncia introduced short activities in which to re-energise everyone’s concentration, and this clearly helped to make students to remain so focused on their work.
Emphasis on redrafting certainly puts a clear focus on quality and craftsmanship (one of our character traits) and I’m looking forward to reading about the completed pieces of work.
I intend to show examples of student’s work from 7P to my own group (7X) as this will help them to visualise what success looks like, and to aid their own efforts in answering ‘What makes a successful community?’
Great work everyone!