Monday 27th Nov- Teachers and Staff had a training day where they had different activities to do with planning our new expedition.
Tuesday 28th Nov- We had an Accelerated Reader session in Crew, whilst Mr Pearson shared individual attendance data with us, and reminded us of the clear link
between excellent attendance and academic achievement.
Wednesday 29th Nov- We had a community meeting, discussing people’s homework and hand-in rate between classes.
Thursday 30th Nov- We shared a song which sums up or means something special in our lives, to create a soundtrack of all our lives in XP East. Dominic chose a song by Westlife that is significant to him, and we felt that the lyrics: “You raise me up to more than I can be” summarise the power of the peer support possible through belonging to Crew.
Friday 1st Dec – Our whole school Community Meeting provides a weekly opportunity to give apologies and pledges, share appreciations and make stands for things that we feel strongly about.
Thanks to Alesha Malik for authoring our blog this week, and to all our Crew members for the courage, respect, craftsmanship and quality they showed throughout their Student-Led Conferences.