How we started:

How we’re ending:

It’s been a funny old time for Crew Finch over the past couple of terms, with most of our crew sessions spent revising and preparing for GCSEs.
Having realised that this Friday’s afternoon crew session would be our last ‘proper’ crew until after exams finish, we decided to sack off revision spend it doing what we do best: just being together (and moaning at Mrs Parker for walking the long way round the lake!)
It feels like such a long time since we’ve had the chance to “just” spend time together. I think we all enjoyed our two precious hours of chatting and checking in (the donuts, chips and ice-cream were also a nice treat.)
We’re all very different people from that group who first circled up together on that very first day at Malham. And as we’ve changed over the years, crew and what it means to us has also evolved. As the pressure mounts in Y11, the afternoon we spent together away from school and exam timetables made us all realise that we actually need crew now more than ever.
So, although it may be the beginning of the end of our crew time in school, I really hope that all the unique experiences we’ve shared together as Crew Finch will continue to strengthen and support Mackenzie, Tom, Dakota, Thomas, Aden, Ali, Noah, Callie, Megan, Kobe, Libby, and Bryn as they embark on their next amazing adventure #onceacrewalwaysacrew #mrsparkerisnotallowedtocryyet