Crew White

Crew White have hit the ground running this term, straight back to school and into immersion for their next exhibition. They have returned with a great attitude to their learning and arrived at school every day with their equipment and a charged device ready to go-yey!!

During Crew time we are working hard on SLC prep, it is great to see how committed they are to getting this right, and to showcase to parents and carers their beautiful work whilst also showing off their academic progress. To see them actively be leaders of their own learning, and their drive to better themselves blows me away. I often forget they have only had 1 term here at XP, they are like old pros. A special mention has to go out to Dania, she has been working so hard on the most beautiful script, seeking critique, then going away and improving, only for it to be lost in cyber space and have to start all over again. Dania hasn’t moaned once, she just went away and grappled to catch back up. What a super star, I’m really proud of her. I can’t wait for you to hear them all next week.

Proud Crew Leader

Mrs Fowler

SLC prep

We’ve spent most of our Crew time busy preparing for our Student Led Conferences (SLCs), which begin on Monday.  Students have really had to think hard about the work they want to present to parents.  As well as showcasing the work they’re most proud of (and there’s lots of it!), they’ll also be discussing where they feel they need to improve, and what their targets moving forward into the next expedition.

We’ve spoken a lot about MEGS during our prep, and I’ve been struck by how all my Crew are determined to work hard to improve their initial grades.  As Tom D said, “None of us know what the future will hold for us. We all know that this first score isn’t all that important, but what is important is the score we leave school with.”

So, good luck to all my Crew over the next two weeks – I personally cannot wait to celebrate all your academic achievements!