I’ve lost count of the number of ‘Crew Finch are back!’ style blogs I’ve written, but here’s another one! We are (finally) back together in Crew for – can you believe it – the first time in 2021!! Fingers crossed that this time, we are back for good…
What’s struck me this time round are the good vibes coming from Crew who seem genuinely happy to be back at school with their friends and are even, dare I say it, enjoying being back in ‘proper’ lessons. Although I can’t praise the quality of our online provision and our students’ engagement during these challenging times enough, there’s nothing like the real thing!
Understandably, some of our Crew were anxious about being back in school so we spent the first couple of days together just doing what we do best: pulling together to help alleviate some of those worries, giving each other a safe space in Crew to talk about how we feel about things (with no judgement) and just generally helping each other settle back in to our new school routine.

We also reconnected with some speed dating! After not seeing each other for over 3 months, it was good to spend 1:1 time with everyone, finding out more about what makes us tick by asking deep, probing, philosophical questions 😉 such as:
- If you had a warning label… what would it say? (most were spot on!)
- Who is the most intelligent person you know (Kobe was outraged that nobody named him!)
- What’s your favourite fizzy drink? (Dr Pepper caused some controversy…)
- Would you rather be really good looking, or super intelligent? (always a tough one to answer, that one!)
I won’t be looking at some of our Crew in quite the same way after the answers they gave to some of the questions!
I enjoyed taking a step back and just watching them all interact during this speed dating activity. It made me smile to see them laughing with – or, in some cases, at – each other and I feel reassured that, whatever life throws at us, we always find our way back to Crew.