During our first week as Crew NHA, the students spent a lot of time getting to know one another by playing games and doing team building activities. We started off by making name tags for our crew wall so that everyone in XP East know who’s in crew NHA. To go alongside our name tags, crew also made some pledges to start the year off, a pledge is something that the students promise to themselves, one of these were “I pledge to always be nice to everyone”, another being “I pledge to not get stressed about new things” and “I pledge to work hard in all lessons”. I and the rest of crew will hold each student accountable for their pledge, therefore students will be supporting one another.
As part of our micro adventure on the first week, the students in Crew NHA made some pieces of work to go inside our time capsule. As a crew we will be adding things into our time capsule throughout the year, I will then keep this safe and the students will look back at it in year 11. Inside our time capsule. The students also created a letter to their future self and a drawing of themselves to look back at in year 9 after their passage presentations.
Another piece to add to our micro adventure was building bridges out of paper, we made this into a competition and the winner was the team who’s bridge held the most weight. The team that won was team chicken nuggets! Each group worked really hard on plans and the actual making of their bridge. We had a brilliant first week at XP East!
Every Friday we do flexible Fridays, this is time for getting things done that we might not have finished through the week. So the first Friday was spent finishing off any unfinished work but we also managed to get into the sports hall and have some fun doing just dance!
As a crew we have had a fantastic start to XP East and I am really looking forward to supporting these amazing students through to the end of year 11!