Our Digi-Crew have been working with Jon Kelly from Sine FM to record their very own radio show, which will be broadcast across Doncaster on Thursday 19th July at 10am (and it’s so good, it’ll be repeated on Saturday 21st July, again at the time of 10am!)
The show focusses on when it is right to make a stand – the expedition from last term. A big part of that expedition involved asking the community to make their own pledges, so we thought it was important to share our work with the wider world – and why not use our very own local community radio station to do so?!
Please tune in to Sine FM on Friday or Saturday (102.6 in Doncaster) to listen to this amazing show. The whole show (including the music choices) has been put together and presented by our students!
We will post a “listen again” link to the show once it’s been broadcast.
Well done, Digi-Crew!