Information Evening for Year 6 Parents – 2nd and 3rd October 2019

Due to the level of demand we receive each year, once again we will be holding two information evenings for prospective parents and students for both XP and XP East. These will take place on Wednesday 2nd October and Thursday 3rd October.

The evenings will take place from 6:00pm. Both evenings will have the same schedule and will be appropriate for parents applying to either/both of our schools, with an opportunity to see both.

Please attend on Wednesday 2nd October if your son’s or daughter’s surname is between A and K in the alphabet.

Please attend on Thursday 3rd October if your son’s or daughter’s surname is between L and Z in the alphabet.

The evening will provide details of how we learn at XP Trust secondary schools through academically challenging learning expeditions, what you should expect from us and what we expect from you. This will include presentations from our students as well as a chance to see both of our secondary schools where there will be activities taking place in different rooms.

We expect each evening to finish at around 7.30pm.

Please park in Doncaster Rovers FC Car Park 3 and enter the school through the student entrance gate on the south side of the campus and not the vehicle entrance gates on the north side.

There will be an opportunity for parents/carers to ask any questions, all are welcome.

We look forward to seeing you there!