I’ve compiled a blog of truly beautiful work that has been submitted to me over the last few weeks from the Y9s. I felt inspired by the virtual gallery that has been produced by the art teachers, as I’d argue that some of this work could be considered art, with art being interpretive…
Aran K, your work on converting fractions was stunning. I love how you’ve used colour codes to break down your thought process.
Charlie R: Decided to do some of the ‘additional tasks’ that I set weekly. This work he did on translations was fantastic, my only even better if being use a ruler!

Chloe T: I love your use of examples in the videos, that go on to support your work on the tasks. That little ‘convert to make it easier’ is a great tip, and worth taking note to help you get unstuck. Great job!

Tyler B: I have been wow-ed by Tyler’s weekly updates, his notes are really aesthetically pleasing and well ordered. Tyler has been going above and beyond by completing more tasks than I have been outlining, and his hard work isn’t going unnoticed. Check it out:

Lewis D: has produced very methodical working on the percentage multiplier tasks I set a couple of weeks ago. I appreciate that he is starting out each piece of working out on a new line.

& last but certainly not least…
Theone C: I can’t get over the quality and amount of the work that you have produced Theone, except I can because I know how dedicated you are to working hard! Each week your emails exemplify how it should be done, they are a joy to look through and they make me feel extremely fortunate to teach you. You really set a high bar for those hoping to achieve excellence!