First day back and GCSE Options C24

It has been fantastic to see the students back in year 10 after so long out of school. The students displayed fantastic maturity and conduct throughout the crew day and all were highly respectful of the new routines that are in place to keep students in the year 10 bubble.

In addition to new safety measures that have been but in place, we have also updated the offer for common mission and choice of subjects to be studied in year 10 and 11. The new options for our students are attached below.

Common Mission Offer 2020

Due to Co-vid, our students did not start their initial choice in March as planned as we went into lockdown and closed our school. Although our students made choices 9 months ago, due to changes to the offer, and the amount of time since the first decision, we feel it is right students and parents have the opportunity to make the choice once again based on the new offer.

The chosen Qualification of year 10 students will be started on the second week back of term- this means that students choice of GCSE will we collected in crew before the end of the week- to allow the preparations needed to set up groups.


Mr J Smith