Extended Study check-in

We regularly check in with each other regarding extended study, particularly on hand-in days.  However, I had noticed that the same Crew members were repeatedly not handing in their extended study and thought it was about time that we tackled this as a Crew, especially as we have a collective responsibility for our HOWLs grades.

We looked at the homework log together and were quite shocked to discover that only 4 members of our Crew have a 100% hand-in rate!  We do, of course, take into account valid reasons for not being able to hand in homework, but still agreed that this needs to be improved upon.  Time to pull your socks up, Crew Finch!

Firstly, we discussed why extended study is so important.  Not only does it help us to increase our knowledge and understanding of specific subjects, it also helps to build good habits, revision skills and shows that we are taking responsibility for our own learning.

Some members of Crew shared how they managed their extended study.  Thomas said that he liked to do his over a number of days, whereas Tom always does his on a Sunday afternoon.  We discussed what to do if we don’t understand the task, instead of just not doing it (check with the teacher who set it; ask a student; come to extended study).

We also discussed where we could get help if working at home was difficult: school runs an extended study session after school (3.15-4.30) Monday-Thursday.  So in other words, there is no excuse not to get the work done!

We’ll continue to monitor extended study hand-in rate.  I will also be contacting several parents over the next week to ask them to attend a meeting with their son/daughter to discuss their poor hand-in rate.