Students in E28/Year 8 will be visiting Yorkshire Sculpture Park in Wakefield.
This will form part of their immersion for their first expedition of Year 8.
Students will be visiting on Tuesday – 6th September 2022.
We will be travelling by coach, departing at around 9:15 AM and returning at approximately 15:00 PM.
Students will need to bring a packed lunch unless they access free school meals, in which case school will provide one for them.
This is an outdoor site so students will be required to take a waterproof jacket/coat in case of wet weather, and wear suitable footwear (old trainers).
Usual school rules will apply in terms of mobile phones and these should not be used by students on the bus. Students may wish to take devices such as iPads to take any photographs or to make notes.
If your child needs to take any medication, please inform their Crew Leader so that any necessary arrangements can be made.
All medication should be labelled with their name, and passed to a member of staff.
If you have any questions about the day, feel free to contact [email protected].