Day 4: Parents – please read before you watch the video!!

Here is the final video that highlights the daily activities and challenges that students were involved in at Aberdovery – Day 4.

Before watching, please read the following…

As I sat down and opened a nice cold bottle of shandy at home on Friday night, my thoughts quickly drifted to what I had witnessed over the previous 4 days. I was moved beyond belief to see first hand how students and staff overcame the struggles that they faced each day, and how it brought them together in the face of adversity. Whether it was walking for 8 miles with heavy rucksacks, immersing themselves in freezing water, camping overnight, canoeing or climbing mountains, I experienced a togetherness that centred around the concept of Crew.

Parents: please ask your children the question ‘What is Crew?’

I guarantee that you will be amazed at what it is beginning to mean to your son or daughter. Ask them for examples of how students acted as Crew, and give them the opportunity to express how they supported others, and how too they were supported.

In the following video, I stumbled into two Y8 Crews and as per the videos for Days 1, 2 and 3 none of the student interviews were scripted. I simply asked them some questions and recorded them on my iPhone. All students responses are sincere and authentic.

I’d like to thank our highly dedicated and committed staff for helping to facilitate such a memorable experience. Overall however, I think you will agree that what took place in a small coastal village in Wales between August 28th to August 31st 2018 was something very special indeed.