A few weeks ago we decided as crew to make up some gift bags for a local charity. We decided on the Doncaster Housing for Young People charity, they are a local charity who work with 16-25 year olds who are homeless or facing homelessness. They provide support on so many levels that allows young people to have a home and a chance at success.
We met three of their service users who told us how they had got to a situation of which they became homeless, there were so many reasons that were out of their control. One of the girls was in foster care and had to leave care at 16 which left her vulnerable, her family lives in Wales and she had no support, DHYP helped her find a property and she is currently happy, healthy and housed!
It was a great learning curve for crew to take away the stigma surrounding homelessness and help them understand that it can happen to anyone! Amazing charity!
Unfortunately the charity have to be careful of posting pictures meaning this is the only one we got!
Huge thank you as well to parents of Crew Marx and Gemini Rail for donating so many lovely gifts!