Crew Malala: Putting Pledges into Practice

Every Thursday (and sometimes Friday!), we spend lots of time in Crew talking about our pledges and how best we can achieve them. Crew Malala made an extra effort last week to ensure each and every one of them completed one pledge! This ranged from challenges such as managing distractions in lessons and ensuring we were working hard; taking every opportunity we could to get smart by asking for help (thanks Mrs Daniels for the amazing photo!), or doing something nice for someone else to show our appreciation, all the way to using our voices even when we were nervous and making stands about current issues in community meetings!

Crew Malala love a challenge and welcomed this one with open arms and they have made a tremendous effort! I think we have succeeded in completed last weeks pledges all around! I can’t wait to see what they’ve got up their sleeves for the rest of this week!

Well done, Crew!

Miss Cunningham 🙂