Crew Frank XPionage!!

As a crew phase we decided to do an activity which would bring positivity to our week. We came up with the idea of XPionage. This is where we covertly watched others in our crew looking out for positive things they were achieving. We were given a post-it note with the name of the person we would be commenting on, we added these comments to a Google for which was anonymous.

Below is a selection of some of the amazing things we discovered about each other during the week.

Stayed on focus during all lessons and made sure he completed everything to the best of his abilities
Olivia worked really hard in Hums this week. We was learning GCSE content. She also contributed quite alot and understood the content.
Oliver has focused in class quite a lot and has interacted with other students in helpful and mindfull ways. During reading time/work he is always focused on doing his work first. He ussualy puts his hand up in lessons to.
He shows respect by listening all the time
Did good work and good craftsmanship and quality
He works hard in most lessons and helps others in maths/science. He shows respect to teachers and is getting smart in Spanish
Mackenzie has been working hard in lessons such as art and maths. He has been contributing and focusing in sessions.
She has been working hard and focusing in class and hasn’t been chatting.

It was nice for people to notice the good we were doing.

Mackenzie and Charlie L.