These last few weeks, we have been doing lots of fun things, like decorating our crew room for Christmas. We pinned a Christmas tree to our crew wall, and worked as a crew to decorate it. We also made 3D paper snowflakes, and hung them from the ceiling to make the room look even more festive.
We have also been working on our final product. This expedition, our final product is a 3D model of a house, showing ideal social housing. We worked in multiple subjects to plan out this model, looking at many current examples of social housing, and the ways that they could be improved to aid people that may need help finding a place to live.
This last term we have also been working on Passage . We have been working on a script for the passage presentation which we will be doing in February. The script we have been writing about what we did in year 7, year 8, and year 9 and. And also we have written about what we did in our lessons. This has helped us to reflect on how far we have come since joining XP East and how quickly that time has gone.
Caitlin and Oliver S