Crew Frank Catch up!

This week in crew we have been working on our behaviour and howls. We look at the praises we got as a crew and overall we have 49. This week in crew we have been asking certain people about behaviour in lessons. Charlie said there have been lots of improvement in sessions compared since last week and Olivia said that in crew the majority of people have been really good and in lessons, pioneer have been excellent. Mackenzie received an appreciation in our community meeting from Miss Jones for his effort and hard work during a challenging task. Our crew leaders are very proud of us this week as we have been improving a lot and going in the right way with our pledges we made at the start of the year .

Last Tuesday we went to Thackray museum of medicine as part of our expedition ‘You give me fever’. We looked at the different ways medicine has been used throughout history and how it has changed to what it is today. One persons favourite part was when we were given the chance to look around the museum and read the information on medicine’s advancements.

Amelia and Charlie C