Crew Ardern hit the ground running on the first week back, displaying and presenting some fantastic work across school and the wider community. We had a series of tasks to complete in the hope of answering the guiding question ‘How can the rest of my time at XP shape me as a person and a learner?’.
On the first couple of days crew norms were being re-established as well as completing a bit of team building. On Wednesday, we participated in a YOGA session to behind to understand the importance of relaxing and self care. We then went to lakeside and spread words of encouragement and positivity, this was a task which was allowed students to understand the importance of kindness and how that can help to shape them as a person.
Thursday was an opportunity for students to talk to ex students who had been on different journeys through education and work. This was an amazing insight of how we are all different, have different personalities, hobbies and interests which will help to shape them in future careers.
We look forward to an exciting year in KS4, where we will begin our journey of our GCSE’s.