Crew 7HMI & 7BBU: Mary Berry who?

During the past week Crew 7HMI and 7BBU planned and carried out a bake sale to raise money for the Sick Children’s Trust in Sheffield. This was suggested by a crew member to help one of our students whose family is being supported by this fantastic charity due to an unwell sibling.

Crew members planned the whole thing with very little help! This included what day the bake sale would be on, who was going to bake what, pricing and setting up of the bake sale.

It was a crazy 15 minutes but we sold out of all our homemade sweet treats and raised an amazing £100!!! This highlights the power of crew and compassion that our students have… this is what XP is all about.

Myself and Mr Burke could not be any prouder of our crews… it was the highlight of both our weeks!