Credit Control Policy

Dear Parents.

We feel that it is only right that we share and remind all parents of the schools Credit Control Policy.

If there is an outstanding balance on your account at present can you please bring it up to date asap. We will be implementing the policy wherever it is required and contacting parents over this coming week where necessary.

The policy is as follows:


Credit Control at XP Trust


Students School Meals

Music Lessons

Fieldwork and Visits


Students School Meals

School meals are priced at £2.50 per student which is the price that the school pays to Doncaster Schools Catering. This is charged at cost, with no profit to the school, through ParentPay.


When a child’s account is in arrears the school makes contact with the parent(s) to ask for the outstanding balance to be brought up to date. There may be exceptional circumstances as to why there is an outstanding balance, in which case the school will work with parents to put in place a payment schedule. If parents fail to bring the balance up to date the following process will be followed on a weekly basis.


  1. If the balance exceeds one week’s lunch costs (£12.50) a text will be sent to the ParentPay payer.


  1. If the balance exceeds three week’s lunch costs (£37.50) the payer will be contacted by phone call. A voicemail will be left if necessary. At this stage we will ask parents to send their child in with a packed lunch until the debt has been cleared. The child’s Crew Leader is expected to monitor if the child is expecting a school lunch, and contacting the parent themselves as necessary.


  1. If the balance exceeds four week’s lunch costs (£50.00) a letter will be sent to the payer from the Principal. This will advise parents of a meeting date and time they must attend in order to resolve their ongoing failure to pay for their child’s lunches. This meeting will be with the Principal. A payment schedule will be agreed and failure to comply will result in further action.


  1. If, following the above meeting, the balance remains outstanding the school will seek legal advice and any necessary action will be taken.

Music Lessons

XP believes that music should be made accessible for all and has decided to subsidise the cost of music lessons for parents. Each hour of music lessons costs the school £36.00, but we charge parents £22.50 for an individual lesson and £16.50 for a group lesson. This is a saving for parents of at least £135.00 over an Academic Year.

As a result we ask that parents commit to lessons for the whole year in the form of a signed letter agreement, as the school must commit to the Music Service provision for the whole year.


Cancellation of lessons mid year will still require payment in full to avoid any further cost to the school.


Payments are required in 3 installments as per the ‘traditional’ school terms. One payment is expected in September, one in January and the final payment in April.


  1. If the payment is not settled by October (first payment), February (second payment) or May (final payment) a text will be sent to the ParentPay payer.


  1. If the payment is still not settled by November (first payment), March (second payment) or June (final payment) the payer will be contacted by phone call. A voicemail will be left if necessary and Crew Leader will also be notified.


  1. If the payment is still not settled by December (first payment), April (second payment) or July (final payment) a letter will be sent to the payer from the Principal. This will advise parents of a meeting date and time they must attend in order to resolve their ongoing failure to pay for their child’s music lessons. This meeting will be with the Principal. A payment schedule will be agreed and failure to comply will result in further action.


  1. If, following the above meeting, the balance remains outstanding the school will seek legal advice and any necessary action will be taken.

Fieldwork and Visits

XP does not normally charge parents for the cost of fieldwork as part of the curriculum. We do ask parents to pay in full for non-essential visits due to the higher costs eg Visit to Spain.


Parents are also notified that payment of the initial, non-refundable deposit is their acceptance of the liability for the costs to the school incurred through pre-booking.


The school will issue a payment schedule to parents in advance. Failure to pay in a timely manner will result in the following process.


  1. As per the payment schedule, a text will be sent to all payers who have not settled the amount due by the installment deadline date.


  1. If the payment is still not settled one week after the payment deadline the payer will be contacted by phone call. A voicemail will be left if necessary and the trip leader will also be notified.


  1. If the payment is still not settled two weeks after the payment deadline a letter will be sent to the payer from the Principal. This will advise parents on a meeting date and time they must attend in order to resolve their ongoing failure to pay in advance of the next installment due date. This meeting will be with the Principal and trip leader. A payment schedule for the outstanding amount will be agreed and failure to comply will result in further action.


  1. If, following the above meeting, the balance remains outstanding the school will seek legal advice and any necessary action will be taken.