Covid19 – Omicron variant update

Further to the recent Government announcement concerning the Covid19 Omicron variant, the Department for Education has updated its operational guidance for schools.

In summary, the following changes apply to both XP and XP East:

Face coverings to be worn in communal areas:

  • β€˜…we recommend that face coverings should be worn by pupils, staff and adult visitors when moving around the premises, outside of classrooms, such as in corridors and communal areas. This is a temporary measure. Pupils in these schools should also wear a face covering when travelling on public transport and dedicated transport to and from school. We do not advise that pupils and staff wear face coverings in classrooms.’

Self isolation for close contacts of those who test positive for Omicron:

  • β€˜All individuals who have been identified as a close contact of a suspected or confirmed case of the Omicron variant of COVID-19, irrespective of vaccination status and age, will be contacted directly and required to self-isolate immediately and asked to book a PCR test. They will be informed by the local health protection team or NHS Test and Trace if they fall into this category and provided details about self-isolation.’

All planned school events for this term will continue as normal, unless the guidelines or situation changes.

Best wishes, Jamie Portman.