After a busy day, I am able to update parents on developments.
All staff met at 8am this morning where I explained the key details surrounding the plans and procedures concerning the Coronavirus pandemic. Crew focused on the scientific importance of hand hygiene and this, along with keeping things as routine as possible, acted as the cornerstone of our strategy for the week ahead. Our staff will be meeting after school tomorrow to consolidate our work around remote learning in preparation for any unplanned school closure.
We emphasised to students the need for togetherness during this worrying time as we all need to remind, nudge, and prompt each other into good hygiene habits.
A very small number of students were sent home today because they showed symptoms of a high temperature or the onset of a cough. In addition to this, we have a number of teachers who are currently in self isolation because they too have symptoms.
The latest update from the Prime Minister comes from this afternoon’s news conference:
‘If one person in any household has a persistent cough or fever, everyone living there must stay at home for 14 days.’
We therefore request that should any member of a student’s household displays symptoms, they should not come into school for 14 days.
Best wishes,
Jamie Portman (Principal)